Knight Hubert dAlpes

Knight Hubert d´Alpes of Untersberg 

tSi.dha (Cidhae) Si.raZejt-el a.mir 


The small Associate-Templar Commandery was once situated at the foot of Untersberg Mountain, which was within the territory of the Berthercatmen sceptre fief belonging to the Sovereign Augustinian monks. Nowadays, this region is known as the Berchtesgaden County and village situated in the Bavarian State’s (Germany) most south-eastern region and near the city of Salzburg/Austria. 

The leader of this Commandery, as such facilities had been named, was the afore mentioned remarkable nonpareil, a multi-talented Great Spirit. This crusader decisively contributed to one of the most mysterious chapters in the history of the European Middle Ages. 


Note: His well-documented intellectual inheritance has not lost its mystic explosive nature to this day! 


His extraordinary mission began with a life-changing experience. After his twenty-year experience in the Orient he returned home to Europe via Persia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and Libya to the old seaport of Tunis, the former Carthage. There, while resting in a cavernous grotto, a female entity appeared to him. She introduced herself as the goddess “Ishtar” (Ishtar, she who is). According to well documented records she sent him to a certain mountain, home of the ancient Gods that is situated in the present-day Berchtesgaden County. There she dictated to him, during her numerous appearances, the so-called “Isais-Revelation” and instructions for Magic rituals. Later the rituals were supported by a machine called “Baphomet”, a double-headed figure that works by means of high-powered electro-magnetic radiations. This remarkable man’s name was “Hubertus of Untersberg Mountain” (Hubert d´Alpes)! 


Note: A contemporary document from the time of the Third Crusade tells us that Hubertus is undisputedly a historically documented person who really existed!  


He was the son of a “free” farmer, lord of a manor close to the city of Linz. At this time the city of Linz belonged to the Duchy of Bavaria, which is located in what is now Upper Austria. His father had to deliver armed men (soldiers) for the Emperor’s Crusade. This fact confirms that Hubertus was no man of humble descent, as it is claimed so often! 


The document further tells that… Hubertus took part as a very young man (yet almost a youth), in the Third Crusade (1189 – 1192) of Emperor Frederick I. Barbarossa and King Richard I. Lionheart of England. No doubt he distinguished himself either as a brave warrior during the battle for the city of Acre or possibly for some other reason in the Holy Land, and therefore he was “knighted”. It must have been the Third Crusade as the Fourth and Fifth Crusade lead by Emperor Frederick II involved only diplomatic negotiations. 

Note: Hubertus was definitely a crusader from Europe and neither a Templar nor a resident in the so-called Crusader states in the Middle East! 

According to the records, Hubertus was tall, handsome of stature and had brown or darkblond hair. In any case, it seems he should have been a man with a strong constitution, had physical stamina and was a good rider. Concerning his ability as a warrior, nothing was recorded because being a good warrior was standard for a “free man” in the late 12th and early 13th Centuries; instead, there is much evidence that he knew what he was talking about and what he wanted, in other words… he said what he thought, and was a man of his word. One can conclude from his correspondence and other records that he definitely was able to read and write! It seems that he was powered by a strong spirit and had acknowledged “skills in rhetoric and speech”. Therefore he was apparently a smarter and well-educated man; otherwise, he would hardly have been able to convince the Grand Commander of Knights Templar in Vienna, Austria, about his mission! The Grand Commander Hugo of Weitenegg, like Hubertus, was also an open-minded person of his century. 

It is probable that Hubertus reported to the Grand Commander regarding his vision with Ishtar and the special mission she gave him for he needed his permission to build a Templar Commandery in the Berchtesgaden County. This small administrative unit of Knight Templars is mentioned in authentic legal documents therefore, there can be no doubt that this Commandery actually existed. During the existence of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, the Berchtesgaden County was gifted with the privilege of ‘ Free Status from the Realm’ and had been given as fief to the Augustinian Abby. The monks were in constant need of funds to survive. Therefore Hubertus was able to purchase, with the help of the Grand Commander a piece of land from the Augustine brothers at the foot of Mount Untersberg in the Berchtesgaden County; most likely he had accumulated some wealth during his long stay in the Orient. Before Hubertus arrived in Berchtesgaden, he probably already had knowledge of the significance of this particular place because it is documented that he arrived here directly from the city of Vienna in 1221. There at the foot of Mount Untersberg he reunited again with the six trusted Knights of his entourage and settled in the village of Schellenberg Market awaiting Ishtar’s further instructions. Here Hubertus settled and lived for the next 80 years. 

Note: When one focuses attention on the kettle-shaped landscape of mountains one can actually recognize the mount of the old Gods showing the deity’s sigm and the greeting hand! 


I quote: Also, a truly remarkable fact is that when the goddess “Ishtar Isai” (spelled Ashtara in proto-Sanskrit) mentions the old mountain of the gods, she always speaks of a “”. According to the Akkadians, this word was later changed into “Bab Ilu”, and finally it became “Babylon” when translated into Greek; the Arabic phrase is… Bab-Allah. The word simply means “Mount or tower-like opening/gate up to those lofty ones in their heaven!” From today’s point of view, the Mount Untersberg is not the “original” mountain of the ꞌlofty onesꞌ, but is an alternate location. The former gateway to the gods to outer space, the Ta.dar-Nadur Asu.ara or (Star gate) is a former pattern of three mounts that emitted from their top an electromagnetic vortex that rotated at nearly the speed of light and it was located in the middle of the Mediterranean Basin! The name used in the revelation to John, “Midnight Mountain”, is probably attributable to an error in translation, and it could also mean “mountain in the middle” or “middle mount”. However, at the present time, this mountain is only partially operational; therefore it could be logical to assume that the Unterberg massif at the northern tip of the Alps, on the outer edge of the Mediterranean basin-wall, was chosen by the remaining Atlanteans still living on planet earth as a lift station into outer space! 


Who knows? I believe the shape of the Berchtesgaden Range, anyway, is a clear indication of this. The time warps that exist at specific locations within the Untersberg mountain massif are not just a casual phenomenon but are also indicators that point to the existence of a magnetic vortex rotating at almost the speed of light! 

End of quote 

Meanwhile, following “Ishtar” ≈ “Ishtar, she who is’” instruction, Hubertus built a small Templar Commandery as well as some additional smaller constructions at the foot of the mountain of high energy. Then later they made another construction at a place described by “Ishtar, she who is” high above and directly on the rock of the Mount Untersberg, which presumably had an immediate entrance to the secret “Ishtar isais Temple-Cave”. 


It is said that the Knights could walk through a passageway to the cavernous temple in which the so-called “Isais-Treasure” and the magic machine called “Baphomet” were stored. To these, later, Hubertus’ writings and records probably were added, too. 


At the end of Hubertus’ life, when he decided to leave the world-stage, this access was locked up by the Knights and made unrecognizable for unauthorized people. Even today, despite intensive searches, no one has been able to identify the location of the entrance! Thus, the deposited objects are waiting in there undisturbed until the day when those who stored them return! 


Then, in the autumn of the year 1225, as she had promised, Ishtar Isais comes to the Untersberg Commandery and the first recorded appearance takes place. The appearances continued for about twelve years and most likely ended in the thirteenth year with the transfer of the grand “Ishtar-isais revelation” in the year 1238. The revelation was therefore conveyed in thirteen stages. This revelation contains the Epic of Creation from the very early beginning of all things, from the big bang onwards; from Alpha to Omega! (Greetings to those who understand the symbolism!) 


During this phase of spiritual development between Autumn 1226 and Spring 1238, Hubertus left his home only for three short intervals for meetings with Grand Commander Hugo and members of the secret scientific section at the Templar Commandery in Vienna, respectively at Weitenegg castle at the Wachau. The Wachau is a Nether-Austrian valley with a picturesque landscape formed by the Danube River. 


Furthermore, Hubertus´ frequent trips abroad occurred between 1241 or 1242, after the completion of the “Revelation”. The first long trip extended from the Untersberg Commandery first, to the city of Augsburg, and then to Lorraine, and further to the city of Cologne, and from there, to a Templar Commandery, which later became the city of Berlin. Just how long Hubertus was away from the Mount Untersberg Commandery cannot be stated conclusively.  The first records written by him are dated in late 1251, so we can assume that he was on tour for approximately ten years. 


Later journeys led him past the known stops on the route to the Wolin Island that lies in Pomerania County off the Stettin lagoon in present day Poland.  From there Hubertus then took a ferry to Sweden and finally crossed from Norway to Scotland and Ireland. According to records in these places, as well as in the countries he visited, he was always there for a while probably on a special mission. 


From Ireland, Hubertus returned back to Scotland from where he continued his journey to England. From Hastings in Bretaine, he finally went over to the city of Abbeville in present-day France and returned back home to the Untersberg mount in the previously mentioned stopovers i.e. Cologne, Lorraine and Augsburg. 

Between 1255 and 1260 it seems that Hubertus was traveling again but only to Augsburg and Lorraine. During this time Hubertus dealt particularly with the preparation of “materials for magical rituals”. Some had probably been sent to his faithful friends in other places. 


Quote:  It should be stressed here that at this time in history travelling was not easy, and certainly not for those with a thin wallet. So, why had Hubertus taken on all the strains of this extensive travel? 

I firmly think that Hubertus undertook the arduous journey across half of Europe only for one significant reason, namely: “To follow the instructions he received by Ishtar; and fulfill his mission to place Baphomet Figuri and attract more followers to his cause!” End of quote 


Finally in his old age Hubertus made another long journey from which he never returned. This last long journey of Hubertus initially led him back to the familiar stations in Augsburg, Lorraine and Cologne. From there he went on to the city of Lille in the Bretagne, which is in today’s Northern-France. He must have stayed there relatively long because there are some letters preserved in Vienna written by him in Lille. 

In Lille Hubertus visited the Duchess of Brittany, Johanna of Flanders, the Mistress of Lille. “Hubert d’Alpes” (Hubert of the Alps) must have had long and secret talks with Johanna during which he gave her valuable advice. 

According to documents filed in Lille, Hubertus witnessed the dissolution of the Templars in France from Lille. It is recorded that one year after the execution of the last Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay at the stake in 1315, Hubertus apparently still had a letter correspondence with the Grand Commandery in Vienna. In another document, filed in the archive of Lille, there is mentioned that a German knight in Lille who called himself ꞌHubert d’Alpesꞌ was very old and yet was still “strong as a young man”. 

My feeling, supported by the statements of two accurate done spiritual Readings clearly states that…”This very old German knight most likely was none other than Hubertus of Mount Untersberg!!!” 

After the execution of the last Grand Master of the Knight Templars and the dissolution of the whole Order it seems that Hubertus-Mission was finished too because there is a fatal turn in his previous behaviour now. In Flanders and especially in the city of Lille there had been no threat or immediate danger to his life. For reasons unknown and inexplicable, he journeyed to France where the Templar persecution was still in full swing. Before he could reach Paris, Hubertus was recognized as a Associate Templar and arrested in the village of St. Quentin. In the archive of this village it is recorded at this time that a very old Templar coming from Flanders was burned at the stake. He was referred to as an “wizard” who made the gaping crowd shudder with his blasphemous songs which he sang while he was burning at the stake! 



Quote: I am of the opinion that the very old Templar wizard it was Hubert of the Alps who was sacrificed to the Templar persecution! He must have been very old at this time. Although the year of birth of Hubertus is unknown, it can be traced because of his well-documented life. Therefore one can calculate that in 1316 he was approximately 145 years old! Nowadays, there are many people who are 90 or 100 years old yet they look their age and their body loses the vital force of youth. Yet Hubertus the knight was not only in a most uncommon age but his body had been still in its optimum state when he was put to death. In the Middle Ages this phenomenon would have been an extreme exception altogether; no question that they considered him as a wizard 


I think and there is no doubt… Hubertus went voluntarily to the stake and to his death, because his body had adjusted to a longer biological cell life by the Baphomet-Rituals and he had acquired immortality and therefore couldn’t die naturally anymore. He absorbed so much electromagnetic radiation during the mystic rituals that his body did not degenerate over the years. This was the reason he went to the village of St. Quentin to give himself up and be burned at the stake. So his death can be considered as a kind of Suicide!  

End of quote 


After all, Knight Hubertus came from the Mount Untersberg where a powerful radiant energy prevails and where phenomenal discrepancies over the course of time still occur. The distortion of time in certain places at Mount Unterberg is a phenomenon caused by electromagnetic vortex currents coursing at near-light speed! 


Note: The story of the Knight Commander Hubertus of Mount Untersberg is based on documents, which authenticate its veracity! 


Continue with the description of the Grotto incident