The True Temple Purpose

The Maltese Temples; 

 Monuments from a far remote Glory Past 

The Maltese Temples; 


Monuments from a far remote Glory Past 


More on this topic will be explained during my Seminar/Course on Malta….Please have a look at the link “Pilgrim’s trip to the Islands of the Divine Feminine”! 


No researcher can ignore the fact that for an area that is only half the size of London, the Maltese islands have a disproportionately large number of temples and other prehistoric sites. Yet there is no evidence of any large Neolithic settlement that could support such a huge undertaking. This fact is even more puzzling. 


Only Malta possesses such monumental structures, which in construction, orientation, adornment, configuration, and measurement were strictly controlled by a definite order and pattern. In engineering terms, these temples are more than remarkable. They hold a great and mysterious knowledge which has survived the passage of time and is still waiting to be revealed and explained! 

After years of fieldwork and painstaking calculations and study of very old scripts, I finally found the key to understanding this very ancient knowledge. What I stumbled onto is knowledge of a calibre far beyond that which one can ever expect. Once I was in possession of it, the perfect synchronicity in the sequence of events that followed and my subsequent revelations led to a reconstruction of the original purpose of these prehistoric structures. I can now finally say that these prehistoric builders had three reasons for building the temples, and we are going to explain one of their three different functions here! 


I came to the conclusion that the temples are a heritage from a highly advanced human civilization that existed during the last Ice age, in other words from the glorious epoch of Atlantis before the flood.  

I therefore suggest that the date for these structures should be moved much farther back in time!  


Before I go into the detail I would like to mention some general features as a result of our research, namely that … 




All the temples on Malta have to be considered as a whole for only then they do reveal their secrets.  




Each single temple-unit was at least three times as high as it is today. 




Each Temple complex consists of 3 single units that were built to calculate the motion of the sun and certain stars; 




Some slabs have conic boreholes; these originally formed part of the now missing domed roof; 




Each unit always has a »conic shaped« entrance and passageway. It is noticeable that the orthostate on both sides, slopes inwards to narrow the opening from 1.70 metres to 1.60 metres and from 1.60 metres to 1.30 metres;  




Each single temple-unit always has two kidney-shaped inner                rooms separated from the outer wall. 




The unit’s inner rooms were divided by a central passageway; 




The original appearance of these two inner kidney-shaped rooms is identical to the cluster model of the Hydrogenperoxyde molecule 


Basing my research on these findings we attempted to answer two important questions:  





Do the Maltese Stone-circle temples have any direct connection to a certain sphere within our Galaxy? 




Are they therefore astronomically orientated? 


During my quest, one of the first discoveries of my research was that all the temples found on the island and on the surrounding seabed have a common origin and have the same purpose. I concluded that they were built at different eras, every 1,080 years, to mirror the »Precession of the Earth« and observe the movement of a particular star within a certain »Constellation«.  Therefore the temples have to be considered as a whole for only then they reveal their secrets and purpose! 


Each black dot is a discovered and each circle is a undiscovered temple site!

This suggests that the Atlantean scientists in Malta must have been very interested in a certain section of the south-eastern sky at night and therefore they were keen observers of certain constellations namely Orion, and Canis Major with its alpha star Sirius down to the Southern Cross 


One has to note that: At the time when the temples were in use, these constellations could easily be seen in this part of the hemisphere and in this particular section of the night sky.  


However, considering the clock-wise motion of the earth’s precession we realized that certain stars between southeast and south section of the sky are presently visible once again from Mnajdra temple. About 1,080 years later, only half the section would remain still visible and approximately 2,160 years later, all the stars between the mentioned sections would then be invisible from this point of observation.  

It was therefore necessary for the prehistoric Maltese engineers to select another place in order to continue their observation of the mentioned constellations between the southeast and the south section.  

In other words, they had to find another site for their observatory – temple. The Maltese engineers did this every 1,080 years and these accounts for the number of 27 temples found on the island and on the seabed as well. This had to be made in relation to the Platonic year that is a cycle of 25,920 earth years, which is a precession’s full revolution.  


On the basis of the large number of  stone-circles still standing around the island, it is clear that Malta has seen at least a twice-repeated fuller »Precession« cycle of 25,920 years…… that is ….. more than 51,840 years. 


This means therefore, that the oldest temple complex must have been built at least 62,635 years ago, while the most recent one is 36,715 years old when considering the destruction of the temples 10,795 years ago.« 


Amazing indeed! »I realized then that to understand the temples and their purpose in the scheme of things, one must have a basic knowledge of observational astronomy! 


In order to understand my saying mentioned above, you should be aware the motion of the Precession – This arises because the Earth’s axis of rotation move wobbles around against its rotation at a slow rate (Lat.: precession means going backwards or going clockwise). 



The effect of precession is that the earth’s poles revolve with reference to the celestial sphere of fixed stars and consequently stars that are presently visible from a particular location of observation may be invisible in a few centuries hence and vice versa for stars which are presently invisible from that location of observation; we suggest a Temple site.   


To calculate this motion the earth’s ecliptic is divided in 12 sections or heavenly months or Zodiac Houses. A complete circle through the twelve sections or months, by which the Sun returns to its original location, takes 25,920 years that is, 2,160 years for each section. If one multiples this numbers by each section or House of the Zodiac (2160 x 12) the result would be 25,920.  


Therefore the Precession can be considered as a star clock that helps us calculate the time of the movement of the Earth in our solar system and the time of the movement of the solar system through our Galaxy! 


In ancient Sumerian-Babylonian days this time was called… 


»Heaven time!« 

When on site during our measurements at the ruins I and my students there we found a number of hints that led me to conclude that the way that the temples were built was according to the law of perfect proportions because measurements revealed the continuous recurrence of the relation values of some particular numbers. All these numbers follow the law of perfect harmony and have a direct reference to a certain celestial sphere of our galaxy! 


Now after years of research on the Maltese prehistoric sites and the study of the oldest available scripts, we I am finally able to state that this most advanced Race of Man from Atlantis did indeed exist and that they left behind them this legacy of these monuments.  


Thus I am in the fortunate position to answer the two questions 


  • Do the Maltese Stone-circle temples have any direct connection to a certain sphere within our Galaxy? 


  • Are they therefore astronomically orientated? 


Yes they do because…  


The Maltese Stone-circle temples were built according to the law of perfect proportion and its harmonic number Phi that is 1,618. According to that they have a direct connection to the Universe in particular to the 5th Spiral-ring of our Galaxy where our Solar system is situated!!! 


And they are not only aligned to the sun and moon, but to certain stars and in particular the constellation of Orion as well.  


Indeed, this idea is very daring but scientifically explicable! 


Another tool that confirm my statements is the socalled Heaven Disc, which was manufactured to a scale of 1:50.  

The heaven disc of Nebra Germany & the wintry firmament. Despite of all conflicting and confusing interpretations about you can see clearly now even the Heaven disc has a direct reference to a certain stellar section of our galaxy!

On this Heaven disc of Nebra clearly visible is on top the arc of the Milky Way and below on the left on the disc at a 07:00 o’clock position of a watch the seven heavenly bodies of the Orion constellation are clearly, while the 18 remaining stars look like a representation of certain stars of the 3 winter zodiac constellation near the ecliptic in the south-eastern – southern sky at some distant past of our history. Without doubt the disc was a tool to determine the winter solstice and this particular Star Constellation of Orion. 


The 3 units of the Mnajdra complex Model at a scale of 1:50 


During the constructing of the models it became clear to me that the dome shaped roof of Mnajdra corresponds exactly to the Heaven Disc with its 25 stars. 

In detail it is clearly recognizable that the inner rooms (Apsis) were closed and had a dome shaped roof as well. The passageway has the shape of a pyramid stump but with different side angles. The make up of the flat floor has a big similarity with the two-dimensional appearance of the Orion-Constellation that can be seen at the wintry sky!  


This is important to be aware: In the Northern hemisphere only during the winter months, this particular constellation is  visible in the South-eastern Skies, and is then invisible during the rest of the year! 

The Star constellations of the wintry firmament during the Winter months and at the Winter solstice.


The Vast Solar-Sidero-Stone-Astronomical Calendar-calculator 


Up to now the emphasis has been only on the Solar orientation of the temples. And all the research carried out has been focused on the importance of the main entrance only of Unit 1 of Mnajdra and intended to explain the alignment of the Summer and the Winter solstice; the Units 2 and 3 situated upon the platform on the right hand side have been totally ignored and never given any consideration in this matter.  


For better understanding I have to explain the motion of the Sun! 


Many of us beliefs that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west day by day. However, this statement is only approximate and it is true on only two days of the year. A careful observation of the sun’s rising and setting reveals that the sun rises almost exactly in the east and sets in the west on March 20. This date is called the equal night (equinox) since on that date the sun is above the horizon and below the horizon for a day-night equal time.  


After March 20th the sun rises from a progressively northern position and also sets in a progressively northern position. This deviation to the north continues until mid-summer when the sun rises and sets in its northernmost position.  Mid-Summer, the longest day occurs on June 21st and this date is known astronomically as the summer Sun stops (solstice) since during that day, the sun’s declination stops increasing and hardly changes. 


Alter June 21st the progressive southward march of the sunrise and sunset points begins.  On September 23rd it again rises almost exactly in the east and sets in the West. Therefore this date is also an equinox date and is known as the Autumnal equinox. The sun’s southerly march continues after September 23rd until December 21st when the sun rises and sets in its southernmost position. This date is known as the Winter Sun stops (Winter solstice), the day of longest night when the day is much shorter than the night at our latitude.  

After December 21 the sun’s path turns northward again and the cycle equinox – summer solstice – equinox – winter solstice is repeated! 


  1. A) Direction orientation


An accepted tool though a simple one for measuring the orientation of buildings, passageways, etc. is to determine the phenomenon of their Azimuth or compass direction with reference to the true north or south. 

Ggantija; the notch in the distant landscape opposite.

All three units at Mnajdra are aligned perfectly to the sun’s disc as it appears exactly on the opposite slope of the main passage as viewed from inside. This alignment was done intentionally, as the builders even took into consideration the notch in the distant landscape or the valley feature in the terrain opposite the temples so as to make sure they got the right orientation.

This notch in the distant landscape opposite the temple is not only to be found at Mnajdra complex but also at the temples of Tal-Qadi at Salina, Ta’ Hagrat at Mgarr and at Ġgantija in Shara-Gozo. 


  1. B)  Mnajdras’ Solar-calculator alignment


We found a perfect alignment to the equinox at the lower Unit 1 of Mnajdra. Its entrance and passageway were designed to face the rising of the sun disc at the Spring and Autumn Equinox. The latter on the 23rd September is important for our calculations, for from that day on they would take the measurements on a day-to-day basis until the 91st day, when the entrance and passageway of the upper units 2 and 3 then faced the rising sun of the Winter solstice. 


The upper units 2 and 3, on the adjacent two metre higher platform, are aligned to 138° and 178° degrees azimuth; so they have their entrances and passageways aligned to face the rising sun disc at the Winter solstice on 22nd December. 


We were able to observe that when the first ray of sunlight passed through the trilithon gateway, it hit the inside edge of a massive slab in the left apse of the first kidney shaped room and reflected on it a golden sign similar to that of the Ankh, which to the Egyptians represented the sacred symbol of Life and Immortality!   



  1. C) The domed Roof as a Sidero-calculator


In our research however, we focused our attention also on the roofs of the temples since we believe that the temples had a Stellar point of reference. We came to this conclusion when we took into consideration the conic boreholes in the roof of the temple. This was an essential element in understanding the real purpose of the temples because we realized that the »domed roof« of the temples represented the »starry dome of the heavens 


It is important to note that some stars appear much fainter when rising and setting because of hazy conditions in the atmosphere or because of too much light reflected by the moon. In order to solve this problem, the temple builders drilled conic boreholes in the roof. The shape of the conic perforation would magnify the star-light effect. In other words they created a Camera-obscura or a Siderostate – namely a Star telescope. It had the same effect of a mirror lens in Astronomic telescopes! Through these conic holes they could observe and monitor the movements of certain Stars and especially one particular Constellation. With this they could create an incredible phenomenon: 

A proper laser spectacle. 


  1. D) The Laser Light: Pointers of a clock


As mentioned earlier, the roof of the Mnajdra temple corresponded exactly to the Heaven Disc found at Saxe Anhalth – Germany. On the disc there are 18 of the 25 stars that correspond to the ecliptic south-eastern – southern heavenly zodiac constellations in the wintry firmament. Between the 22nd December and 21st of March the stars of this said constellation do indeed rise one after the other in the night sky over Malta. 


Fat lady statue exhibited at the museum of Archaeology in Valletta - Malta


When the light from the stars entered the temple through the conic holes, it hit a shaft placed inside the head slot of a fat lady statue and this created a strong beam of light. (This shaft is wrongly termed a phallic symbol!). Different sizes fitted different statuettes of the fat lady and these were placed on altar tables in the kidney-shaped chambers. 

The tip of this shaft was crystallized and when placed inside the temple in the right position it would capture the light of the corresponding star coming through the perforation of the conic hole, thus magnifying the star-light effect.

The light hitting the head of the statue would be reflected around the whole room and create a laser effect. It illuminated the darkness of the temple like a planetarium while it reflected certain stars out of the passing wintry constellation. Than last but not least when finally the Orion constellation appeared in the night sky, it was mirrored on the floor of the passageway inside the temple. 


Modern astronomic maps depict Orion as an hourglass; however it was often depicted as a winged butterfly or a moth on prehistoric and ancient maps.  While the two pairs of the outer stars are the Wings, the three belt stars form the body and the head of an insect, the »Beast 

Another meaning of Orion is »The great Hunter However, this word ‘Orion’ was actually misinterpreted because its original spelling was lost over time. The correct spelling is in fact: …meaning… 

 »The Major Avenger of heaven 

 This recalls a quote from the book of revelation to John 

»….Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding calculates the number of the beast (Moths) for it is the number of a man also …«  

(Revelation XIII,18)


The Orion constellation 

Astro map and ancient depiction 

Undoubtedly for me… 

The Revelation author seems to be referring to the constellation of Orion!  

When the Orion constellation entered the temple through the conic holes of the temple’s domed roof, the two outer stars alpha Betelgeuse and beta Rigel and its two followers hit exactly the central diagonal stones, while the middle stars – the so called belt stars, sat in the centre of the trapeze-shaped passageway. The Constellation was thus projected as a hologram on the floor of the passageway. 

Inspired and details forwarded by Prof. Dr. Hubert Zeitlmair h.c.D, Bugibba – Malta. Oil painting created by Francis X. Aloisio.

The antediluvian Atlantean scientists and astronomers on the rocks of Malta gave indeed special attention to the top third star of Orion’s belt because of its erratic movements. In our opinion Orion’s little belt-star is none other than Nibiru – Planet X, the missing tenth planet of our Solar system! 


Nibiru  [Symbol] Ni.phi.ra 


»Those, who come out of the Orion 


There is no doubt that the real purpose of Mnajdra and all the other temples on the island, were to observe the Sun’s activity, its occasional flares and storms in order to celebrate the birth to a new cycle of life through the eras. Their purpose was also to observe the movements of some Stars especially that of Orion’s little belt-star and they even recorded these events on carved stone tablets. Have a look on file “Inconvenient truths”. 


It is quite interesting to note that Mnajdra is derived from the word ‘nadir’, which in Maltese means observatory or observational place. According to some researchers and writers, the name derives also from an old Maltese meaning which translates into:  


»The extended invisible rod of the shepherd towards the Heavenly body« 


»There is no question the prehistoric Atlantean scientists had a profound knowledge of the true appearance of our Galaxy 


Our galaxy is a huge, three dimensional body with the looks like of a lens. 

The origin mirror Yin & Yang –a reverse turning set of 9 rings above as well as 9 rings below, separated by a vast electromagnetic field system.

Picture found in a TIME LIFE edition 1969.


The Maltese Stone-circle temples were and still are thus the connectors or the interface zone between the material and non-physical worlds. Without doubt the temples offer a portal through time to explore the ancient mysteries in particular that of the Atlantean era.